This perfume is the perfect understated sexy scent. Sexy in a warm, dark, subtle, cuddly way, that lingers close to your skin. I held off trying this for a while, because I wondered if all the leather, tobacco and black musk would make it a little aftershave-y, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The mild hint of honey and roses, and an incisive little tangerine note, lift and soften it, and far from being harsh, it is rounded, inviting and sweet, in the most balanced and adult of ways. I can't stop nuzzling my wrist. I can't wait for other people to nuzzle my neck. I don't personally detect an incense note, which shows how differently these scents can play with our individual body chemistry; but I do get this delicious darkness from the black musk, the tea and the leather. This one will be FSing before I even finish the sample, I think.